언제나 생활에 감칠맛을.

Learn about cuisine and wine in your kitchen!

Online culture enrichment campaign, cooking lesson.

Online culture enrichment lesson is the new style of lesson for busy you! No commute, no hassle!

You can enjoy the cuisine and wines from whole wide world

Italian, French, Turkish lessons too♪

Online lesson = we’re not only talking about language lesson, but also the unique cooking lessons♪

Pressure free, fun culture enrichment school at your home!

Which lesson would you take...?

In English or in other languages, learn, cook, or order from overseas!

60분/ 2,500포인트/ Petra 강사



English Conversation

You get to learn the recipe while learning the background of the food culture of the Caribbean and around North America.

60분/ 3,500포인트/ Petra 강사


Trinidad Tobago cuisine

English Conversation

The traditional taste of Trinidad and Tobago is not yet unknown. Be the first one to try Healthy & delicious cuisine!

30분/ 2,000포인트/ Nathaniel 강사



Polish your self

Built around something you are interested in, like… “Food” you realize your focus is stronger on listening and speaking!

60분/ 3,000포인트/ Serena 강사



English Conversation

From quick lunch menu to serious dinner menu, you can learn and master 25 Italian cooking from mom’s recipe♪

30분/ 1,500포인트/ Salvatore 강사

Italian cuisine


Traveling overseas

Can’t read or understand the menu?? This is the lesson for you then! Practical lesson; how to enjoy Italian food!

60분/ 2,500포인트/ Hirota 강사

Turkish Cuisine



Bringing Turkey’s home cooking right at your home! New lesson style in cooking! Even live cooking lesson sometimes!

50분/ 2,200포인트/ Allison 강사

French cuisine



Bringing Turkey’s home cooking right at your home! New lesson style in cooking! Even live cooking lesson sometimes!

30분/ 1,800포인트/ Kuniko 강사

French cuisine



French on parade! you will learn French recipe and French food culture in French from the tutor who loves France!

40분/ 1,500포인트/ Patricia Abell 강사




Increase your vocabulary and fluency by exchanging your favorite recipes with Australian cooking-lover!

Wine is not just an alcohol but now a great hobby! Knowing the language and wine a little deeper may double up the fun when dining out or at the party!

50분/ 1,800포인트/ JP_Sensei 강사



Educate yourself more

In this lesson, you can learn special phrases for wine tasting, and food that matches with wine in English.

40분/ 1,500포인트/ Esther 강사




You will learn about famous winery, grape variety, color, flavor, and pasta that go well with wine while you learn Spanish.

You can learn food culture, tradition, local information and foreign culture. This lesson will help you when traveling. But even when you are not traveling, you can experience as if you were.

50분/ 1,800포인트/ Tina 강사

Asian cuisine

Traveling overseas


Learn from Singapore local! Learn about Singapore hot spot, popular food, and common phrases! Speak and travel!

60분/ 1,700포인트/ James 강사

British cuisine

Traveling overseas


British tutor will introduce you to British tradition, customs. Maybe even reveal the secret of British cuisine!?

50분/ 2,000포인트/ David PG 강사


Traveling overseas

Spanish cuisine

All in one Spanish lesson! Spanish history, cuisine, and art, you will learn so much about Spain from the local tutor.

50분/ 1,400포인트/ Davide 강사

Italian cuisine

Traveling overseas


Cooking master, Italian tutor who’s originally from Sicilia will tell you about secret restaurant and hot spot.



+81 50-3647-0019 문의 시간 10:00〜24:00(한국시간)

수강에 필요한 준비물

  • 인터넷에 연결된 컴퓨터 또는 모바일 기기(※1)
  • 헤드셋(※2)
  • 웹 카메라(추천)

(※1) iPad, 스마트폰 등, Skype를 사용할 수 있는 환경이 필요합니다.

(※2) 마이크 및 카메라가 내장된 컴퓨터라면 따로 설치할 필요가 없습니다. 10,000원 정도의 가격으로 구입할 수 있습니다.


Skype는 전세계적으로 사용되고 있는 인터넷 전화 서비스 입니다. 웹 카메라와 헤드셋을 이용하여 전세계의 강사로부터 외국어 강의를 수강할 수 있습니다. 음성 뿐만아니라 화상통화도 가능하여 실제로 맨투맨 레슨을 진행하게 됩니다.


처음이신 분들도 걱정하지 마세요! 서비스 등록부터 준비, 레슨을 찾는 방법 및 끝내는법 까지 동영상으로 안내해 드립니다.
스타트 가이드에서는 카페토크의 사용법을 하나 하나 알기쉽게 설명을 해 드리고 있습니다.


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