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2020 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)

January - June 2020 Cafetalk Special Event

Thank you for learning with us and our amazing Tutors
this Spring/Summer 2020!

It has very admittedly been a very crazy first half of 2020. From expecting to host the Olympics this summer, Japan has postponed the Olympics and big parts of our world have been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We here at Cafetalk have been extremely lucky to be able to continue our service by allowing all of our employees to work from home, and we have been even more lucky as we feel our service managed to provide a source of income for many tutors and teachers who lost teaching hours. And hopefully, Cafetalk has been a source of joy and learning for those students who kept on learning with us while protecting others by staying at home.

Therefore, we are looking toward this Award season in a somewhat more serious fashion than usual, but we still wish to allow our students to vote for those tutors that have helped them and their kids through quarantine (whether voluntary or not) and to say thank you to all those tutors who have diligently kept on teaching through these difficult times.

A big thank you from the Cafetalk team goes out to all of our students and tutors! ♥

Without further ado, we are ready to open up the polls to choose the most popular lessons & tutors of the first half of 2020☆★

Vote for a favorite lesson that you’ve been taking on a regular basis, or let the world know about a new rising star you’ve discovered.
Make sure to support the tutors you think deserve some recognition for all their hard work!

Voting is Closed

☆Point Present Lottery:

Out of all eager voters we will randomly draw

20 winners who will each receive a 2020 point present

to use for any lesson of their choice! So go ahead, make our servers burn, and cast your votes!

*Each vote you cast equals one entry into the draw. The more often you vote, the higher your chance to win that 2020 point present!

*The winners will each receive an extra 2020 points on top of their existing points. The presented points will have a validity of 1 month.

Voter comments will be selected at random and featured on the awards page as well as displayed on the tutor's profile.
Please let us and the world know what you think about your favorite lessons and tutors!

*Leaving a comment when casting your vote is optional but highly encouraged.

Please note that the award system has changed a little bit this year. This year, you can nominate language tutors for one of the following categories:

  • ① Most Fun
  • ② Great with Kids
  • ③ Great material / Lesson plans
  • ④ Great conversationalist

On top of these categories, the "Grand Prize" will be given to tutors with the most votes and best comments, and the "Newcomer Award" will be given to several new language tutors.

For all other categories, several tutors will receive awards among the following categories:

  • ① Music
  • ② Health/Fitness/Dance
  • ③ Academic Tutors
  • ④ Hobby 
  • ⑤ Other

Voting Period: 2020年6月18日(木)~ 6月30日(火)

Students' Voice

  • Basic Korean Grammar (for beginners)

    Zinie´s grammar classes are always very helpful. I learned a lot, since she can explain very well and if necessary also in English. She always provides material and a great feedback, so I can review the class!

    ***essa.M | 2020年6月30日
  • Direct Method


    ***imotch | 2020年6月30日
  • ワイン初級:ワイン 初めの一歩 30分

    とても素敵な先生で、素晴らしい時間を過ごせました。 ワインのこと、もっと知りたいです。

    Salon de YOKO
    ***eko | 2020年6月30日
  • Conversation in German // ドイツ語の会話

    Vanessa先生のレッスンは、このレッスンとDirect Methodを併用して受けています。どちらもとても楽しく、レッスンプランもフィードバックもとても良いので、どちらのカテゴリーにどちらを投票するか、ものすごく迷いました。このドイツ語会話のレッスンは、私の場合、毎回のレッスンプランは当日授業が始まり、挨拶が終わってから決めています。私はドイツ語会話を学習する上で、複数の方とお話しした方が、より自分の対応力が上がるだろうと、実はVanessa先生以外のレッスンも受けています。ほかの先生のレッスンもそれぞれに個性があり、素晴らしいですが、各先生それぞれに得手不得手があります。例えばテーマや教材を事前準備してくださる先生。このタイプの先生は、当日突然やりたいことを話しても難しいことが多いです。そのかわり、準備が素晴らしいので、それに沿っていろいろ教えていただきます。逆に何も決めないタイプの方は、その場の対応力は素晴らしいですが、当日質問やテーマ伝えても、特に資料はなく、あくまで会話のみになります。Vanessa先生のレッスンは普通の先生のレベルを超えているように思います。最初の1か月は普通にドイツ語会話をしていました。会話の中では、私の話そうとしていることを想像する力が素晴らしく、私が止まってしまっても、じっくり待ちつつ、程よいタイミングで、ヒントになるような質問をして、私の会話を引き出してくださるので、本当に1時間のレッスンで集中力も会話も途切れることがありません。そして、それだけ私の話を引き出し、時にはスペルも教えて下さりつつ、私の話したことを、挨拶やちょっとした質問も含めてすべて記録し、1,2時間以内ににそれを校正して、さらに文法事項の解説までつけて送ってくださいます。時には4,5ページにも及びます。あるとき、ゲーテの試験対策をしたいと相談したら、その場で私にあったレベルのテストの単語、試験対策の基本的な考え方、教材がたくさん載っているページ等、いつも通り会話しながらどんどんそういった資料も提示していただけます。そして、毎回、今日は何する?単語、試験対策、その他テーマとその場で決めたことに対して、即座に教材を用意してくださいます。 本当にあらゆる面でこんなに丁寧かつ行き届いた授業はこれまで受けたことがありません。会話の授業なのに、会話も文法も試験対策もすべてその場でやっていただけるのです。 本当に素晴らしい先生だと思います。

    ***imotch | 2020年6月30日
  • Japanese For YOU! 30mins

    Maki-sensei is a great teacher, who makes sure to provide the lesson according to the student´s needs. I asked her if we can use a specific learning technique and she prepared everything perfectly. I can highly recommend her!

    ***essa.M | 2020年6月30日
  • Reactivate your German Skills

    この先生は会話の際の共感力がすごいです。レッスンという枠を超え、一人の人として、友人として話すような温かさを感じる先生です。またいつもポジティブで、すごく元気をもらっています。 もちろん、そんなお人柄で、また事前に適切な教材も用意していただけるので毎回とても楽しく有意義な時間をすごせています。

    Christina Birgit Berger
    ***imotch | 2020年6月30日
  • Korean Free Talking 60mins(Feedback included)

    I´ve been taking Zinie´s lessons since last year and even though I´m still a beginner, she made it possible for me to talk to her in Korean for an hour. And it was always a lot of fun. She prepares a topic beforehand and leads patiently through the conversation by asking many questions.

    ***essa.M | 2020年6月30日
  • 한국어 입문 (Entry Level of Korean language)

    He is really nice and patient. The material in my lesson is easy to understand and follow the today's grammatical target at my entry level. As a result, each lesson makes me improve effectively. I'm a bigginer student. I can read some simple Korean alphabets and words but can't read sentences. I listen to K-pop everyday. Unfortunately, I never have a conversation in Korean before I joined Cafetalk. He talked to me in Korean and English slowly. I like this teaching style!

    ***ren | 2020年6月30日
  • 한국어 회화 Korean Conversation


    ***o55 | 2020年6月30日

Award Details

Cast your vote for a lesson you took during the first half of 2020 which you think is worthy of any or one specific award. You can also vote for lesson packs!

Winner Announcement

July 2, 2020 (planned)

Selection Method

The winner will be selected based on a scoring method that takes into account the number of student votes, lessons completed, and feedback received within the past 6 months. You can also nominate language tutors for an award category if you like!

Voting is Closed

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