English Boost Tip #3: Watching with Subtitles


If you're stuck at home these days, you're probably watching a lot of TV. For a lot of people TV time is relaxation time, so you might not want to study too hard. Unfortunately, I can't really recommend just watching a show in English with subtitles in your language for study purposes. Unless you're really making a point of connecting the vocabulary, you probably won't learn anything.

But the good news is there are many ways you can add a little English study to your binge-watching without burning out your brain! Here's a few different ways you can use subtitles to improve your English:
  • Watch in your native language with English subtitles on. You can read along and pick up a few new words without having to crack a dictionary.
  • Watch a movie you've seen before in English with English subtitles. You can connect proper pronunciation with the spelling, and because you already know the story, it will be easier to understand the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases. You can also repeat after characters to help solidify your new knowledge!
  • Similarly, you can watch an episode of an English TV show with subtitles in your native language, and then watch it again with English subtitles instead. Because you just saw it (even if it was a few days ago), you'll be better able to guess the meaning of new words.
  • Use the Language Learning with Netflix Chrome plug-in
    This browser extension lets you use side by side subtitles for two different languages while watching shows on your Netflix account. You can also change the speed, listen to one line of subtitles at a time, and use its pop-up dictionary to find the meaning of words quickly!
Even if you don't want to think too hard, just listening to the language will make you more comfortable with it. So give it a try!


Love learning through media? Check out my lessons, English through Media (50 minutes) and Mini Media Lesson (25 minutes)!

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