Holiday Traditions - What are Yours?

Bradley Anderson

We've just passed Thanksgiving and are heading towards Christmas and my thoughts turn towards holiday celebrations.
Of course this year things are bound to be different with Covid and the separation of people during this time, so I'll have to be reflective of holiday's past and future instead.
Growing up, both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays meant traveling to a relative's home to celebrate with extended family. When my grandparents were still alive, we'd travel (not so far) to one of their homes and have a large, traditional dinner for Thanksgiving with turkey and all the fixings! I remember my grandma used to make these popovers that were absolutely scrumptious! They were light pastries with cream inside and delicious. There were always so many people with the aunts, uncles, and cousins that us kids had to sit at a "kid's" table. It was fun though and we'd spend time playing outside or with each other.
Christmas was Eve at one grandparent's home and Day at the other. We were fortunate to have both families close, so it was an easy trip. Again it would be with the extended family, and especially on my father's side I had the opportunity to see cousins who lived farther away, catch up, and play with them. The kitchen smelled so good and the food was delicious and plentiful.
My mother's mother's family always had a homemade spaghetti dinner. It was our tradition, along with hot-crossed buns, and other goodies. My father's family was very similar, though there wasn't a set meal, it was always delicious and with lots of fixins! No matter where we were, the kids cleaned up dishes afterwards to give the ladies a break, and then we all gathered around the tree in the living room to pass out and open presents. Sometimes it was only a gift or two that we each received, but each was heartfelt and thoughtful. I have so many wonderful memories of these times. Inevitably there was snow and we'd go outside and run around and play.
Growing into college and later years, the traditions remained the same but instead of play there were games and conversations. We'd pull out the board games, cards, or photo albums and reminisce about years past or funny things that happened. Oh for some of the funny conversations and laughter! I cherish those times! 
Now grown, with a family of my own my grandparents have passed and our group has become smaller, more intimate with my parents and my sister's family together. We're still enjoying games, conversations, and special holiday foods. We still preserve the Italian spaghetti dinner and hot crossed buns, and there is much laughter and sharing. We still give the ladies who worked so hard to prepare the meal a break from the cleanup, though it's the dads and kids this time. 
It's different seeing things through my children's eyes and enjoying the wonder of the season as they celebrate with us.
Living in Japan, of course the New Year's celebration is huge. It's kind of like our Christmas concept is like Japanese New Years. Family time, relaxation, and of course great food.
What are your family traditions during this holiday season?

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