A memorable adventure: The West Highland Way

Jenni Scotland

I love adventures so try to seek them out whenever I can. I have travelled to many countries and experienced lots of things I couldn't do in my own country but my best adventure happened much closer. 

There is a long distance walking trail in my country, Scotland, from the city of Glasgow to the Highland town of Fort William.  It is 95 miles (153km) long and takes around a week or so to walk.  The scenery is spectacular and along the way you journey across mountains, past lochs (lakes) through glens, into forests and past waterfalls.  It is an amazing trip but hard work!

This is the start of the walk.

Along the way there are places to stay, campsites, hostels and hotels.  Some parts of the walk are quite busy and you can enjoy the company of other walkers but mostly you are alone and can enjoy the views and atmosphere in peace. 

However, during the summer there can be a big problem with midges!  These are like mini mosquitoes and in some parts of the walk you have to wear protective netting over your face as there are so many of them.  I've even seen people running to try to escape from them!

Getting to the finish felt like such an accomplishment and I can honestly say it's one of the best things I've ever done, a real adventure where we never knew what would be around the corner. 

One of the sights on the way at Kinlochleven, 15 miles (24km) from the finish. 



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