The strangest food I've ever eaten (with vocabulary)

주간 토픽: What is the strangest food you’ve ever eaten?

Kevin O.

(Words and expressions that are in bold have definitions at the bottom of this article). 

So, what was the strangest food I have ever eaten? The image I chose for this article gives it away.

I ate crickets in a Canadian restaurant about one year ago. They were covered in chili sauce, and cooked until they were crispy. It was a unique item on the menu, and a novelty at this restaurant.

I know in some places this food is common and normal, and there are even cricket energy bars sold in the USA. However, to me it was a very new experience. 

The taste was fine, and they had a crunchy texture. But my brain did not like the idea of eating them, so I couldn't enjoy the experience much. 

I'm glad I tried it, but I don't think I would try it again... I'll stick to my usual boring food.



"Give away": In this context, to "give something away" is to give someone the answer to a question. For example, if I ask you what my favourite colour is, you could say, "Blue, of course. Your fashion sense gives it away!"

Novelty (NAW-vull-tee): Noun. A novelty is something that is "novel" (unique or different from usual). In this case, I am saying that crickets are a novelty for me, since they are not usually what I eat.

Texture (TEKS-cher): The texture of something is how it feels. If we talk about food texture, it is how it feels in your mouth. Things can have a crunchy texture, a soft texture, a chewy texture, and so on. 

Stick to: If you "stick to" something, it means you want to keep doing the same thing as you usually do. For example, if I say that I'm going to stick to teaching, it means I will continue to teach, as usual. 


If you like this article, consider trying one of my trial lessons. Don't worry, we won't talk about crickets!

Thank you for reading!

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  • Kevin O.

    Thank you for the kind comment, Mai! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

    Yes, I absolutely agree! Once is definitely enough in this case! :D

  • Mai1205

    I enjoyed reading your article! Thank you :-) I'd love to try novelty food, but once is enough.. Haha!

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