Why did I choose to become a tutor?

주간 토픽: Why did you decide to become a tutor?

Naeema Hoosen

Education and teaching has been a central part of my life. My profession is I am a teacher and an accountant. As a child, I always played the game teacher, teacher. My mum had a chalkboard for me and I would do some of my homework on it with my 'students'. My passion is teaching. 

The reason I became a tutor? I was a tutor before I qualified as a teacher. When lockdown was implemented it became difficult to look for a job in a school and with the different stages of lockdown, schools would open, then close for a while.

I choose to become an online tutor as I can have the flexibility to work from home and I also get to interact and meet different people from around the world, which is exciting for me! 

教育と教育は私の人生の中心的な部分です。私の職業は私が教師であり会計士です。子供の頃、私はいつもゲームの先生、先生を演じていました。私の母は私のために黒板を持っていました、そして私は私の「学生」と一緒にそれで私の宿題のいくつかをしました。私の情熱は教えることです。   私が家庭教師になった理由は?私は教師になる前は家庭教師でした。封鎖が実施されたとき、学校で仕事を探すのが難しくなり、封鎖のさまざまな段階で、学校は開いてからしばらくの間閉じていました。


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