When do the clocks change and why? イギリスのサマータイムを解説!


It’s autumn now, and the weather is cooler, we have shorter days, and the trees are turning a beautiful red, orange or yellow colour. Halloween is also coming soon - it’s on the 31st of October!
Do you have any spooky plans for Halloween?

But Sunday the 31st of October 2021 is important for one other reason - can you think of why?

This is the day that all the clocks in the UK, and the rest of Europe, turn back one hour! The time in the UK will change from British Summer Time (BST, or UTC+1) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT, or UTC).

This is because we moved the clocks forward one hour in March, in order to make the most of the daylight and early sunrise in the morning during late spring to summer! But now that it’s autumn, the sun is rising later in the morning and it’s still dark outside at 8 am!! (Students who take my lessons when it’s morning in the UK might have noticed that I’ve started to turn on my lights for our lessons!)

Every year, the clocks move forward one hour on the last Sunday of March and turn back again on the last Sunday of October. 

The actual time change is during the night, so you’ll probably be fast asleep in bed when it happens. Or, if you’re a curious night owl, you might be able to stay up until 2 am and watch the time on your smartphone or computer change back to 1 am!

What do you think of British Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time? Do clocks change in your country? - comment down below :)

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