My New Year's Resolution (with vocabulary!)

주간 토픽: New Year's resolution

Kevin O.

I have a confession: every single year I make a resolution, and then forget about it immediately. 

Here are some things I've resolved to do, and then forgotten:

- "I'm going to drink less coffee this year!"
- "I'm going to exercise five times a week!"
- "I'm going to study and learn a new language!"

I've forgotten them all. And then I always think, "Ah, I totally failed! How typical!"

But this year is different. This year I'm in a new country - Japan. And since this is a new environment, I feel like I can really change things about my life. 

So, my resolution this year is: "Be kind to myself." 

Now now, I know what you are thinking. "That's too easy! That's not a resolution! Come on!"

Actually, I think it isn't easy. I think it's much easier to be kind to others, and not ourselves. We easily forgive other people, but often don't forgive ourselves. If your friend is late, you will probably tell them, "No problem!" But if you are late, you might think, "I'm useless" and "I'm always late", and so on. 

So my resolution is to be kind to everyone - including myself! After all, we're all human, aren't we? And nobody's perfect. 



confession (kun-FEH-shun): Noun. When you tell a difficult or hidden truth, you are "giving a confession". We can also use this as a verb and say, "I am confessing." 

resolution (REH-zuh-loo-shun): Noun. This is a promise, and is most commonly used at the start of a new year. 

resolved (ri-ZOLVED): The verb form of "resolution". It means you are planning or promising to do something.

typical (TI-pi-kull): Adjective. This means that something is common or expected. In other words, it is not a surprise.  


If you are interested, I have a special New Year coupon available, so you can achieve YOUR resolution!  

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