That First Brick is Picked Up


More often than not, many small actions are required in order to complete a given task. In fact in many cases, these small actions comprise the bulk of most work.
  • A mason painstakingly lays his brick and mortar to form the walls of a building. Brick by brick, layer by layer, stack by stack.
  • A sculptor patiently chisels away the outer layers of a marble block to finally reveal a magnificent statue.
  • A violinist creating beautiful music with a series of bow strokes that look like they were just randomly gliding across the strings.
  • A runner striding along the track, swinging his arms vigorously and relentlessly, until he reaches the finish line.
I can go on forever but I guess you got my point. There is no last step if the first step is never taken, we hear no music when the bow does not touch the strings, there would have been no Pietà if there were no Michelangelo.
The walls of a building cannot come into being by themselves, it only happens if that first brick is picked up and worked by the mason.
I was at the Canadian International Auto Show the year before the whole pandemic thing happened. You guessed it right, it's a trade exhibition showcasing new model cars. It's always a thrill to visit these kinds of trade shows.
One particular display that caught my attention was this:

It's a life-size replica of a Bugatti Chiron Sports Car made entirely out of LEGO Bricks. Amazing!

And there you go, imagine the quantity of repetitive actions needed just to assemble this Beauty.

In fact, you can build an entire City out of LEGO Bricks.

And here is a perfect analogy to transition into the lessons I offer. Just as toy buildings and replica cars are made of similarly shaped LEGO bricks.

Perspective drawing is just a composite of simple shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles and circles. These basic shapes are the building blocks of objects we see everyday and they are very fun to draw once you learn to see them in things such as books, vases, tables, chairs, buildings, etc.


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