The Art of storytelling through Art


It is said that even before Man started to talk, he learned to Draw.

The below cave painting found in Lascaux, France depicts a man engaging a wild bull with a stick or some sort of weapon or tool.

The series of cave paintings found in this particular place are estimated to be between 15,000 to 17,000 years old.

Below figure shows a particular petroglyph found in the rocks of Cub Creek, Utah. These carvings were also done many thousands of years ago.

It is naturally understandable that before any form of written or spoken language was ever invented, drawing with paint or carvings on rocks were first used as a form of visual communication.

The need to draw comes from Man's intrinsic need to impart information.

Whether the drawings or carvings were for communicating a thought, passing on a knowledge or just for self-amusing a bored cave dweller.

One thing is for sure though, Art in any form - prehistoric or contemporary - tells a Story.

I would interpret the above cave drawing as a man, after successfully hunting a small bird decided to spear a large bull. But not after spooking away the smaller deers and antelopes and having the large bull charge at him.

Whether the bull or the man survived this ordeal, I can only guess.

Oh, and the artist who made this cave painting 17,000 year ago is probably left-handed based on the handprint on the upper right side.

He's probably also the unfortunate hunter's kin or friend.

What's your Story?




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