A New English Proficiency Exam?

Tracy R.

Hello everyone!

So, I'm sure almost all of you have taken an English proficiency exam at some point in your life. There are a lot of great tests out there and some that are not so great. Typically though, English proficiency exams rarely capture ones real ability. Not only that, but during the pandemic, we saw a lot of problems arise with traditional testing.

Michigan Language Assesment decided to design and release a new type of test that was supposed to address the changing world and needs of English test-takers. You can find that article about its release here: https://www.languagemagazine.com/2022/02/21/michigan-english-test-goes-global/

What do you think? Have you taken the MET digital test yet or even heard of it? Which English proficiency exam is your favorite and why? Comment below!

Have a great week~

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