

皆様のおかげで今月のカフェトークの日おすすめレッスンに選んでいただきました。この日は頑張って24時間リクエスト受付可能にしてみました。みなさんどうぞ興味があったら初めての方もこの機会にお越しください。12時間前まで受付しています。 日本語を学ぶ楽しさ、面白さ、いろいろとチャレンジしにきてくださいね。

Thanks to all of you, I was chosen as the recommended lesson for this month's cafe talk day.I tried my best to make it possible to accept requests 24 hours a day.If you're interested, please take this opportunity to visit us for the first time.We accept applications up to 12 hours in advance. Please come and try various things such as the fun and fun of learning Japanese. 
( ※I use the translation function to translate, so please understand if there are some parts that don't work. )



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