Vedic and Western astrology


Vedic and Western astrology are two astrological systems with some similarities and some differences. Both Vedic and Western astrology focuses on time and space and features the same 12 zodiac signs. Where they differ, is in their understanding of the positions of the constellations. As a result, the dates of each zodiac sign shift too, almost by a full sign. For instance, if you’re a bold Aries baby in Western astrology, you may be a watery Pisces in Vedic astrology, depending on your exact birth date.

Here’s why: “Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal zodiac system and calculated and observed in the sky in connection [with the] constellations,”  On the other hand, “Western Astrology is linked up with the tropical fixed zodiac system, and mainly relies on the movement of the Sun. It also depends upon four seasons that represent the Sun’s movement, equinoxes, solstices, as well as the tilt of Earth on its axis.”

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