What is the best compliment you have ever received?

주간 토픽: The best compliment you have ever received

Stephen Brivati

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

this is a pretty hard question to answer.  In the past, people have complimented me on my violin playing, but that is ancient history.

So I am going to go for the simplest answer in the world: when I proposed to Kazuko and she said ‘Yes.’.  At the time I was sitting by a kind of fountain outside a hotel in Nagoya and Kazuko was somewhere else. We were talking to each other via Facetime.  So I proposed using Face time.  The moment after she said yes a group of Japanese tourists walked past (not sure what they were doing in Nagoya…) and I shouted after them ‘She said yes!’.  They looked so happy at the news.  These days, when I walk past that fountain I remember that day and feel a warm glow of happiness.

Have a great week,



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  • natali_blond

    Well, I saved him by refusing))

  • Stephen Brivati

    To which you replied 'Like he needs a hole in the head.' Or was he handsome? Did he have any idea what a lethal weapon you are? :)

  • natali_blond

    I have this one. One day an unfamiliar young man asked me: "Doesn't your father need son-in-law?" ^-^

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