Recent Reading

每週主題: Tell us about a book you have recently read

Stephen Brivati

Hello everyone.

 It’s been a while since I wrote a blog as I have been so busy with my new job and other issues. These days I do not have much time for reading which is rather sad. I was hoping that in this part of my life I would be able to read a lot more.  Having said that,  I suspect I am just making excuses!

The reason I say this is that I am spendingËa huge amount of time playing Igo on-line and watching youtube videos about Igo. So, if I stopped doing that then I would have plenty of time to read some good books wouldn’t I?  As a result of this time spent enjoying Igo I am , in fact, reading only one kind of book. That is a collection of Life and death problems which are necessary to practice everyday if you want to be good at this elusive game!  

I do also read a little about violin playing every now and again because the number of students wanting violin lessons has increased quite a bit in the least few months. I am am not sure why, since I am a very strict violin teacher.  Strange considering I am not strict at all when I teach English!  I also read one page of a book by Tolstoy every morning when I wake up after doing yoga. This is a short page of Tolstoy thinking about a particular topic and using quotes from all kinds of famous literature.  I think it is called something like Tolstoy’s 365 day calendar.

Sorry for the strange blog.

See you soon,


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Brush Up Your English!

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  • Sumee

    When I think back to my university days, my piano professor was very strict. Whenever I had a piano lesson, I felt a lot of stress and nervousness, but I learned many good skills from that strict teacher.

    I am learning English from a kind teacher like you, and I am so happy to have a kind teacher. :)
    When you teach the violin, please teach it as gently as you teach English. Haha.
    Thank you !

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