
Enjoy reading Tanka!

주간 토픽: Fun indoor activities for rainy days

Rika Inami

Thank you for your kind attention.
My name is Rika Inami, Tanka Poet, and I am currently on a leave of absence due to various reasons.
It has suddenly become cold.
It is supposed to snow in Akita tomorrow.
Yesterday, I changed my car's studdless tires as a final winter preparation.
Yes, I couldn't do it myself, so I had the car dealer do it for me.
This month, 10 pieces of my tanka poems were published on the website of the Akita International Haiku Network.
In "Tanka by Rika Inami (75)," I composed 7 pieces of tanka poems on Shiratamanoki Wetland in Kurikoma National Park and 3 pieces of tanka to

the bears that have appeared this fall.
I hope you check the website.
Have a great weekend with blessings.

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