Staying Motivated: How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

주간 토픽: Staying Motivated: How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions


Hi there! This is Hsinchan from Cafetalk!

This is my very first column published on Cafetalk and I'm super excited to share with you guys about how to stay motivated and keep your new year's resolutions!

First of all, I would love to share my goals in year 2024. :)

1) Staying healthy and work out regularly
2) Having more lesson on Cafetalk with my students!

For the first goal, I know it shows up on everyone's list but not everyone achieve this goal actually.
We are always distracted by another interesting stuff else than our health such as drama, movie or even Netflix series...
However, I would like to use this opportunity to reflect myself and think about the good method to make me stay motivated and take action.
From January, I join the social club in our company and play badminton with my colleagues every Monday. Even though I am still a beginner, it is still a huge step for me and it helps bund the connection with my colleagues.
On Tuesday, I attend yoga lesson in local organization. I have joined them for over a year and I am very grateful that we can practice yoga together every week. They are all very nice and kind!

For the 2nd goal, since I joined Cafetalk for only 4 months, I really look forward to meeting more people and bring my passion to teaching Mandarin & Taiwanese to you guys!
I always love to share the beauty of Mandarin and help you polish your listening/speaking skills.
And for me, 2024 is a perfect year to take more action and embrace more oppurtunities.
I am super excited about how this year will go! And can't wait to meet you guys!

Recently I start to write gratitude journal every day. It is a way of self-recover and you will find out that you are surrounded by love and find your inner peace.

I will keep recording my daily life every day and telling myself always keep your goals in mind.
At the same time, I also hope we can encourage each other during this journey!

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