Late night tea and cloudy afternoons

Paula Veronesi

Tea at the latest hours of the nigth, the sun warming my legs through the window, a good book, a nice comment, the smell of rain and morning dew. Hapiness can be found in the simplestof things and can get lost when there is too much to apreciate.
Hapiness is hard to come by when the tea tastes like nothing and the sun feels cold, when the stars don't seem to shine. Hapiness may be there, always waiting for you to hold up your hand and grab it and sometimes life holds your hands down and you can see hapiness in others but not find it for yourself.
What do you do when you don't remember how it felt like to be happy? What do you do when you don't remember how tea used to taste and how the sun used to feel and no book is good enough? What do you do when your hands are not held by anything but you don't have the strength to lift them up?
Seek for hapiness in the smallest things, in the funny looking pencil someone gifted you when you were little and you still keep, hidden, somewhere. Find hapiness in the wind and in the cloudy days; let others raise your hands and let them help you grab the hapiness that was always there, waiting for you.
Because everyone has bad days, and sometimes the stars don't shine and the rain smells like mud, and sometimes the tea tastes like nothing and the sun can't reach you. But those days will pass, for some those days will pass faster and for some those days will become months, but they will come to pass, and one day you will look back and you won't understad how could you have forgotten how it felt to be happy.

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