Burning a 'Böögg' to Kick Off Spring in Zurich

Weekly Topic: What marks the start of spring in your culture?

Amy Jost

In Switzerland spring officially starts on March 1, but most Swiss consider the Spring Equinox (= when there are equal daylight and nighttime hours), on March 20, to be the start of the season. In Zuirch, Switzerland, they celebrate the start of the spring later during a festival called 'Sechseläuten'. It is a public holiday and the residents of the city meet downtown to set a 'Böögg' on fire.

This old tradition dates back to the 16th century. The belief is the amount of time it takes the enormous bonfire below the stuffed 'snowman' to burn it tells us how many more days of cold weather we will have that year.  

The Swiss have many festivals involving huge bonfires. They are always spectacular and a bit dangerous, too. My favorite are winter bonfire traditions, like the 'Chienbäse' in Liestal. There they pull very heavy bonfires through the small old city on wagons. It is both terrifying and amazing to witness.

If you're interested in discussing cultures, traditions and/or history, please book a lesson with me!

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