My morning routine 私の朝の日課

주간 토픽: Do you have a morning routine?


I like to be a morning person, though I find it hard to wake up early. Still, I push myself out of bed every day. After freshening up, I head out for a jog, which has become a very important part of my day. I love watching the sunrise each morning, although I sometimes miss it when I have early morning classes. Jogging is a staple in my routine, but I also occasionally practice yoga and meditation. After my walk, I come back home, take a quick shower, and treat myself with a good breakfast. As the breakfast is my most favorite meal of the day, i make sure to put an extra effort to it. A cup of tea and some reading time follow, making my mornings even more enjoyable.

Around mid-morning, I often feel an urge to take a nap. A quick 10-minute nap works like magic for me, and I feel like a whole new person afterward. Energized and refreshed, I’m ready to start the day! What is your morning routine?

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