The mislaid sacrifice


The Inner Dialogue With Mystery


Looking  from a distance, I see the  door  of prosperity

She said get closer; it could be the chance of  longevity

I found the  door open  already with a bright  treasury

She said: this  is  just  an  archetype  of  a  flying  fairy

I  lifted  my  eyes  and  saw  two  other  doors  near  by

She said  get closer; it  might be  an  opposite  standby

The  left  door  was  wide   open  already  with  a  light

And  the  other door was closed situated  on  the  right

I relied on my forces to penetrate the  curiosity indeed

She said do  not  insist; the  key  is  my  mystery breed

I felt  rejection,  I felt annoyed, and I became  helpless

But  my  hope  never  lessen, my  effort  was  countless

I  respected the advice and kept  the  state  of  passivity

Continuing   my   journey   and   avoiding   all  rigidity

All  of a  sudden  I  heard  the  interstice  of   the   door

It got open with neither key nor presence  on  the floor

She said: do  you know who  open  the  door  for you?

I  said:   I  was  preoccupied  but  perhaps  it  was  you

She  said: your good volitional  actions  have   planted

The  tree  of unlimited  branches   and  surely  granted

Your psyche with a vehicle of  navigation in  the  ether

There is  neither  rejection  nor  objection  whatsoever


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