HSK1:A small talk on Chinese Grammar① 吗,呢,吧,啊,呀





Hi,I am Jun, a language tutor who can speak Chinese,Japanese,English and Cantonese.
Welcome to my Chinese lesson.

We learn 
in HSK 1.Today I want to have a small talk about the Chinese Question Particles:
They are so common that every Chinese use one of it at least once every day, but for foreigners, it's difficult to tell the differences between them.
Let me tell you how.


It can be used when you want to confirm sth., and usually for the yes-no question.


Are you a Chinese? 

2. (nǐ)

Do you know Him?

You can only answer them with "yes" or "no".
But please remind that
cannot be used in the Choice Questions as following:


Do you want to eat rice or noodles?

  Are you a student (or not)?



It is used in the Special or What-Questions. The questions begin with such as When/Where/Who/What/Why/How/How many.....

How long have you been studying Chinese?


Where is my wallet?

In some cases, it is used as a bounce-back question to keep the conversation going on.

1.  (wǒ)(hěn)(xǐ)(huan)(hē)(kā)(fēi)(nǐ)(ne)

 I like coffee, what about you?


Long time no see, How's everything?

Fine. What about you.

Now, it's question time. Please choose
or for the questions. You can type your answers below.

1. (nǐ)
(jiào)(shén)(me)(míng)(zì)    )?   

What's your name?

míngtiānyàoshàngbān     )? 

Do you go to work tomorrow?

3. (hē)
(chá)(hái)(shì)(hē)(guǒ)(zhī)    )?  

Do you want to drink tea or juice?

Here comes the end of my lesson. I will tell you the answers and explain the unfinished part next time.

Thank you and see you.

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