Travel English for Stress Free Traveling


Traveling to an English-speaking country can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be challenging and stressful if you’re not confident in your language skills.  Today Let me introduce you some key travel English phrases. 

1. Asking for Directions:

  • ===Could you tell me how to get to XYZ train station?
  • ===Is it far from here?
  • ===Which way is the nearest convenient store?

2. Asking for recommendation:

  • ===What’s the best local dish to try?
  • ===Can you recommend a good place to visit around here?
  • ===Where do the locals like to hang out?

3. Transportation:

  • ===Where can I buy a ticket?
  • ===What time does the next bus/train leave?
  • ===How much is a ticket to XYZ?

4. Hotel and Accommodation:

  • ===I have a reservation under the name Anamika (your name).
  • ===Can I check in early?
  • ===Is breakfast included?

5. Restaurants and Food:

  • ===Could I see the menu, please?
  • ===I would like to order ..... & ..... 
  • ===Do you have any vegetarian/vegan options?

Want to master these phrases and more? I created a new lesson pack named "Travel English " ! In just 7 lessons over 14 days, you will learn and practice all the essential travel expressions you need.  This ntensive, practical lessons are designed to give you fast results and boost your confidence. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your travels stress-free and enjoyable!

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