My Top 5 fun activities for Autumn

주간 토픽: Your top 5 fun activities for Autumn


Hello, everyone. This is Keiko.Kei. I'm a new Japanese teacher.
What's your Top 5 fun activities for Autumn? Mine is...

My No.1 Activity
Walking around my apartment about 5km every day.

My No.2 Activity
To find a cheaper supermarket!

My No.3 Activity
I love to go to the "Daiso" shop, not "Miniso". Japan doesn't have "Miniso"(hahaha

My No.4 Activity
I have a 50cc motorbike, so I like going on a road trip, but not for a long time because my motorbike is not big.

My No.5 Activity
To re-watch "Gin-tama(this is Japanese comedy animation)" on Netflix, and "Twin Peaks" on Amazon Prime.

If you want to talk to me more, please use the below coupon. If you are a new student you can use the discount. I'm looking forward to speaking with you about any activities.

Have a good weekend :)

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