
Do you know the difference between “は” and “が”?

Mika. I

Hi, I'm Mika:)
みなさん、こんにちは! 日本語講師のMikaです!

Today, I would like to introduce the difference between the particles “
” and “, which is a question that many people studying Japanese often have.
Please note that even advanced Japanese learners find it difficult to use them correctly, so it is okay to learn them while continuing to study Japanese.

The main differences are as follows.
     は: Topic, Contrast
     が: New information 


1. 好きな動物何ですか?(すきな どうぶつは なんですか?)
    What is your favorite animal?
      - 犬好きです(いぬが すきです)
         I like dog.
    ⇒ In this example conversation, "は" is used for "topic." 
        On the other hand, "が” is used for "new information."

2.  犬、好きですか?(いぬ、すきですか?)
   Do you like dogs?
     - 犬好きです(いぬは すきです)
       Yes, I like dogs.
In this example conversation, "犬(いぬ)" is the "topic." 

        That's why "は" is used as above.

3. 犬、好きですか?(いぬ、すきですか?)
     Do you like dogs?
    - いいえ。猫好きですが、犬好きじゃないです。(いいえ。ねこは すきですが、いぬは すきじゃないです。)
      No. I like cats, but I don't like dogs.
    ⇒ In this example conversation, the contrast between "犬(いぬ)" and "猫(ねこ)" is emphasized.
   That's why "は" is used as above.

There are also slightly more complicated rules, but I think you can broadly distinguish them as above.
I hope this explanation was helpful:)

Do you want to study in more detail?
Let's study together in my “Q & A session: Japanese Grammar” lesson!

I look forward to studying with you!


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Q & A session: Japanese Grammar

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