13th Jan 2014 ~ Where am I going? ~


Recently I have been “running around like a chicken with its head cut off!” DO YOU KNOW THIS ONE?

There are two versions:

like a headless chicken (UK)

like a chicken with its head cut off (USA)

Both are used (no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ version) to express how very busy you are doing many things, and it seems like you are going round and round ... !

My reason is that I am heading out of town (and country) for a few days, so have been running around like a chicken with its head cutoff trying to organise everything ~ I’m almost there ;-)

So you won’t see me/my words/pictures for a little while but they’ll be a whole bunch to look forward to when I get back from ***** <<--- where I am going????? 

Byeeeeee ~

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