A place more beautiful than heaven - Assi Ghat, Varanasi

Learn with Professor Ashish

Assi Ghat is the southernmost ghat in Varanasi. To most visitors to Varanasi, it is knownfor being a place where long-term foreign students, researchers, and tourists live. Assi Ghat is one of the ghatsoften visited for recreation and during festivals. On typical days about 300 people visit every hour in the mornings, and on festival days 2500 people arrive per hour. Most of the people visiting the ghaton usual days are students from the nearby Banaras Hindu University. The ghat accommodates about 22,500 people at once during festivals like Shivratri.[2]

There are a lot of activities for tourists to engage in at the ghat. Visitors can go for boat rides, go up in a hot-air balloon for an aerial view of Assi ghat, enjoy the daily talent show in the evening or eat at one of the many restaurants and cafes in the area.

Old people in group chat in the evening at Assi Ghat
A shop at Assi Ghat

Hindus believe that it was at Assi Ghat that Tulsidas left for his heavenly abode.

After the 2010 Varanasi bombing the city commissioned extra police to the Assi Ghat neighborhood in order to more quickly resolve problems which tourists might have.[3]

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