Carmen T. ホリデーに関する慣用句や表現を学ぼう
直近受講日時: 1ヶ月以上前


600 ポイント
ビジュアルラーニングを活用します(CEFR A2以上)


Learn About Holiday Idioms & Expressions 

Using Visual Learning (Pictures)

The holidays are coming! December is a month of celebration and holidays.Christmas is the much-awaited festival among all other festivals. It is a festival of sharing joy, spreading happiness and sending gifts to your loved  ones. In this lesson, we’ll explain idioms and expressions that are related to Christmas and other holidays that will help you while conversing with friends in English. It features vocabulary and definitions with example sentences that go with the visual/graphic presentation for each idiom. 

Holiday Idioms & Expressions Visual Learning Lesson Flow

1. Reading of Idioms & Expressions with Pictures

2. Idioms & Expressions Reference - What do they mean?

3. Vocabulary Review - 

    A. What's the Idiom? - Write the correct idiom
    B. Draw an Idiom - draw a visual representation of your chosen idiom

So book a lesson now so you can learn & enjoy a few of the most popular Christmas idioms and other holiday-related phrases and sayings!

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