Reading brings knowledge and knowledge is power; therefore reading is power!
Good for - Reading - Beginners - Intermediates - Advanced - KIDS welcome
So you're a bookworm?! So am I! Let's read together as many news articles/texts/passages/chapters/stories/fables/tales/poems etc.
We will read (together/by yourself) a/an text/news article of your choosing (or mine). You will receive feedback either as we go or at the end of the lesson. We will then focus on the plot.
I will check your fluency/ intonation/ understanding/ pronunciation/ comprehension and then, we'll have a discussion about it.
So you're a bookworm?! So am I! Let's read together as many news articles/texts/passages/chapters/stories/fables/tales/poems etc.
We will read (together/by yourself) a/an text/news article of your choosing (or mine). You will receive feedback either as we go or at the end of the lesson. We will then focus on the plot.
I will check your fluency/ intonation/ understanding/ pronunciation/ comprehension and then, we'll have a discussion about it.
This tutor's cancellation policy
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- Cancellation possible at any time without charge.
After request is confirmed (fixed)
- Less than 24hours before lesson start time.→ 50% of price charged.
- No-Show→ 100% of price charged.
Lessons by this tutor
Describing Pictures Lesson - KIDS welcome
Describing things in our life is something we do on a daily basis, so let's dive deeper into how we do it!30min 2,200P -
Phrasal verbs Lesson - KIDS welcome
There are over 10,000 phrasal verbs in the English language! Let's learn about the most commonly used ones.30min 2,200P -
Idioms Lesson - KIDS welcome
Over 25,000 idioms to choose from! Let's learn about the most commonly used ones.30min 2,200P -
Free | Fun | Topic based Conversation - KIDS welcome
Let's have an animated and fruitful talk!30min 2,200P -
Free | Fun | Topic based Conversation - KIDS welcome
Let's have an animated and fruitful talk!45min 3,300P -
Free | Fun | Topic based Conversation - KIDS welcome
Let's have an animated and fruitful talk!60min 4,400P -
Article Reading - KIDS welcome
Reading brings knowledge and knowledge is power; therefore reading is power!30min 2,200P -