Introductory Japanese 1 (for absolute beginners)
This course uses basic sentence structures to teach practical Japanese
Course outline:
1 Japanese greetings and Self-introduction
2 Kore/Sore/Are/Dore: Demonstratives for things
3 Koko/Soko/Asoko/Doko: Demonstratives for places +
4 Arimasu/Imasu: Existence
5 Hiragana Practise Part1
6 Hiragana Practise Part2
7 Katakana Practise
8 Numbers/Time and Date
9 Family
10 Verbs Part1 ( Present Tense, Future Tense )
11 Verbs part2 ( Past Tense )
12 N (place) e ikimasu: I go to ___ / N (vehicle) de ikimasu:Igo by ____
13 N (place) de V: eg, I buy a newspaper at the station/Vmashoo: Let's ~ / V masenka: Won't you ~
14 Adjectives Part1 ( i Adjectives)
15 Adjectives Part2 ( na Adjectives)
Recommended Textbook: Minna No Nihongo Beginner 1
I encourage students to learn how to read and write hiragana and katakana, the two Japanese phonetic alphabets. This will really improve your confidence with the language.
- 隨時可以取消。
- 課程時間前 12 小時內→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。
- 課程時間前 24~12 小時→ 收取 50% 課程費用為取消費。
- 缺席→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。
You will be able to understand! use! Basic level of English conversation (50min)
50分じっくりコースで目指すのは基本的な英会話!50 分鐘 2,800 點提供試聽 -
You will be able to understand! use! Basic level of English conversation (30min)
30分集中コースで目指すのは基本的な英会話!30 分鐘 1,700 點 -
You will be able to understand! use! Basic English conversation (50 mins)
50分じっくりコースで目指すのは日常英会話!50 分鐘 2,800 點提供試聽 -
You will be able to understand! use! Basic English conversation (30 mins)
30分集中コースで目指すのは日常英会話!30 分鐘 1,700 點 -
You will be able to understand! use! Basic to intermediate level of English conversation (50 mins)
50分じっくりコースで目指すのは応用もできる英会話力!50 分鐘 2,800 點提供試聽 -
You will be able to understand! use! Basic to intermediate level of English conversation (30 min)
30分集中コースで目指すのは応用もできる英会話力!30 分鐘 1,700 點 -
You will be able to understand! use! intermediate level of English conversation (50min)
50分じっくりコースで目指すのは自然な英会話!50 分鐘 2,800 點提供試聽 -
You will be able to understand! use! intermediate level of English conversation (30min)
30分集中コースで目指すのは自然な英会話!30 分鐘 1,700 點 -
Step up your English - Pre-intermediate level
日常会話はある程度大丈夫だけれども自分の意見を言うのは苦手だという方にお勧めです。50 分鐘 2,900 點提供試聽 -
Step up your English - Intermediate level
リスニング力を強化したい、もっと新しい表現を学びたいという方にお勧めのコースです。50 分鐘 2,900 點提供試聽 -
English conversation with a small group (50 mins) basic level
2人で楽しくレッスン!家族や友達と一緒にどうぞ50 分鐘 3,800 點提供試聽 -
Introductory Japanese 2 *50 min (lower intermediate beginners)
This course are specially designed to make you learn Japanese in an interactive manner!50 分鐘 3,300 點提供試聽 -
Intermediate Japanese lessons
The most effective course to improve your Japanese!50 分鐘 3,300 點提供試聽 -
Advanced Japanese lessons
日本語のレベルは上級(じょうきゅう)だけど、もっと自然(しぜん)な日本語を使えるようになりたいと思っている方におすすめです!50 分鐘 3,300 點提供試聽