Lee Price Communicating in Business English - Textbook - Lesson pack

Communicating in Business English - Textbook - Lesson pack

55 X 4
10,000 ポイント
1回あたり 2,500 ポイント
A Lesson Pack for textbook based lessons, for those who wish to use their English in a business or office based environment, fantastic for those living and working in Tokyo.


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This lesson uses the textbook Communicating in Business English by Bob Dignen, available on Amazon now.

Between each lesson I will ask you to read and answer four pages in your own time, then during our meeting we will have a look at those pages, checking our answers and discussing any interesting or challenging points we have highlighted.
This textbook is very clearly illustrated and easy to approach, but also steadily increases in difficulty and poses a suitable challenge for everyone, from beginners to more advanced English speakers.


I have used this textbook with many of my students and have found it to be a fantastic education tool, however I would suggest that any new students contact me first for either a consultation or informal chat before we commit to starting with the textbook, I always like to make sure that we are a suitable match for eachother before we begin studying in earnest!
With all my students I also set extra homework to write about something that they have been doing in the week since we last spoke, or about any topic they are interested in. This gives you the opportunity to practice your writing, and then when we have our next lesson you can read what you have written aloud, giving you the chance to practice speaking. After you have finished reading we can talk about pronunciation and flow, before having a look at the writing itself and discussing any editions we can make to grammar or vocabulary.
This is entirely optional, but I strongly recommend it as it has proven to be a hugely successful exercise which we often have a lot of fun with, you can write as much or as little as you would like!
You can also use any material that you have written for work, some of my students like me to have a look at their presentations or emails before they finish them.

カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


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※2 レッスンパックの初回リクエストが確定されると「開始済み」となり、次回以降のリクエストを行うためのクーポンが自動発行されます。


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