Currently not accepting new students.
If you learn the basic 500 Kanji characters, you will be able read about 75% of written Japanese! Yes, we have about 2100 commonly used Kanji (Joyo Kanji), but 75 % of the Kanji used in novels, magazines, newspaper, etc. are only 500 Kanji. In this course, you will learn these 500 most frequently used Kanji!
Learning kanji involves two kinds of practice:
1. Drills and Memorization
2. Real-Life Interaction
In this course, you will not only practice individual Kanji, but you will also work through a variety of exercises to practice using them in a real-life context. Using Kanji in context reinforces the meanings of the kanji and will help you remember them better, just like how children in Japan learn Kanji!
About the lesson:
1. Drilling and Memorization
Most of the drills will be done as homework, but I will give you different kinds of useful tips to help you memorize the Kanji! During the lesson, I will go over each character and explain the components of the Kanji, such as "radicals", which help you understand the meanings of the Kanji. By analyzing the parts of each Kanji, sometimes you can guess the pronunciations as well. Also, Kanji are often associated with images, which may make it easier to remember the characters.
2. Real-Life Interaction
You will practice the Kanji using worksheets I provide during each lesson.The worksheets consist of a variety of practices, where you read and write Kanji in real life context.
About the textbook:
"Basic Kanji Book Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 - Basic 500 Kanji"
These are the must have textbooks if you want to start systematically learning Kanji. If you are purchasing the book, please make sure you get the new editions. The new edition features a new layout, a better font, and has some changes on the list of words and on/kun readings. (If you already own the older editions, you don't need to buy the newer editions. The differences between the versions are minor).
Important Notes:
-You have to be able to scan and submit your homework through email.
-You will not only practice reading but also writing Kanji in this course.
-You MUST know Hiragana & Katakana before taking this course.
-You MUST have a basic knowledge of the Japanese grammar structures. If you are a beginner, I recommend taking the grammar course first or at the same time. (→ Comprehensive Japanese Course)
カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
英会話スピード上達コース~"side by side"で楽しく学ぼう!(フィードバック無し)
(超初心者~中級者向け) 英会話を効率良く学んで、上達をスピードアップさせませんか?教科書"side by side" を使用したこのコースは英会話を体系的に学びたい方にオススメ!!1課終えるごとに上達を感じること間違いナシ!45分 3,000P体験あり -
Comprehensive Japanese Course (No feedback)
Japanese course for beginners! Learn Japanese with a fun textbook widely used in university courses called 「げんき」45分 3,000P体験あり -
Boot Camp Japanese - Survival Japanese Lessons(No feedback)
For complete beginners. Learn Japanese without studying the complex writing system!45分 3,000P体験あり -
日本語の単語力をつける!~中級レベル(No feedback)
(中級向け) ひげをそる、かみをとかす、 はをみがく、、、このように名詞と動詞が正しく使えますか?いろいろなことばを「ペア」で覚えて、語彙力を高めましょう!45分 3,000P体験あり -