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Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) →

Ms. SB kindly offers good worksheets to work on and also gives me a well-structured lesson plan for summer break. She is always positive to make the lesson better. I highly appreciate her professional way of communication.
The lesson is great. He speaks slowly for me.
Finding a teacher who is both professional and enthusiastic while meeting my needs is difficult, but Mike is the perfect fit. He provides well-organized materials in advance and gives thorough feedback after each class, which helps me review what I’ve learned. I truly appreciate his teaching and attitude. :)
She is so kind that I can ask and talk without fear and I’m able to be confident more. I’d like to keep working for my improvement with her. Thanks always.
It was fun learning the nuances of English when wanting to express love! Gems material was fun and great to listen to!
いつも優しく教えてくださり、子どものやる気が出るような教材を考えてくれます。 レッスン時に子どもが乗り気じゃなくても気長接してくれます♪
dongdongi先生のレッスンは、いつもレッスンのご準備をしてくださり、 学ぶべき内容をわかりやすく伝えてくださるところが素晴らしいです。 また、何を質問しても的確な回答をしてくださいます。 何よりも、韓国語がネイティブで日本語は完璧、漢字も完璧にお読みになられるので、 ネイティブの先生に、日本人と同じレベルの日本語でレッスンをしてくださるので、 全くの初心者でも安心できる先生です。 たくさん褒めてくださるので、自身もつきます!
Aya Sensei always carefully checks my pronunciation and explains grammar well. Lessons are always fun!
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