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Results: 159 Lessons
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English language arts class consists of a combination of language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening from Year 1 to Year 11 (UK) or Kindergarten to Grade 10 (USA). Alternatively, from ages 5 to 16.

English for Kids
55 Min.  X 6
12,000P (2,000 Punkte pro Kurs)

English language arts class consists of a combination of language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening from Year 1 to Year 11 (UK) or Kindergarten to Grade 10 (USA). Alternatively, from ages 5 to 16.

English for Kids
55 Min.  X 12
35,000P (2,917 Punkte pro Kurs)
Hat Schnupperkurs
45 Minuten   1,500P

English language arts class consists of a combination of language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening from Year 1 to Year 11 (UK) or Kindergarten to Grade 10 (USA). Alternatively, from ages 5 to 16.

English for Kids
25 Min.  X 12
13,500P (1,125 Punkte pro Kurs)
Hat Schnupperkurs
25 Minuten   1,000P

English language arts class consists of a combination of language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening from Year 1 to Year 11 (UK) or Kindergarten to Grade 10 (USA). Alternatively, from ages 5 to 16.

English for Kids
25 Min.  X 6
7,000P (1,167 Punkte pro Kurs)

This lesson is ideal for younger learners (or parents that would like to be confident reading to their children) who enjoying reading and discussing a book/bedtime story or describing funny photos or playing spot the difference.

English for Kids
25 Min.
Hat Schnupperkurs
15 Minuten   700P

Learn Phonics and practice reading with Jaja! Perfect for starters, pre-primary, and primary students.

English for Kids
25 Min.
Hat Schnupperkurs
25 Minuten   1,000P

Fun English for Kids (キッズ Kids) (6 ~ 17 years old)

English for Kids
25 Min.

Paket mit 5 Kursen (5X) Reading Short Story

Learn English through Reading Short Story for Kids

English for Kids
20 Min.  X 5
5,000P (1,000 Punkte pro Kurs)

Fun English for Kids (キッズ Kids) (6 ~ 17 years old)

English for Kids
25 Min.  X 5
10,000P (2,000 Punkte pro Kurs)

Welcome to a Truly Special Lesson Pack Crafted for Extraordinary Super Moms (Student Age 6 ~ 17).

English for Kids
25 Min.  X 6
9,000P (1,500 Punkte pro Kurs)

Learn Grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and everything related to English for kids!

English for Kids
25 Min.

How to draw your favorite animal

English for Kids
30 Min.
Hat Schnupperkurs
15 Minuten   0P

Hey Kids! Let's rule the world with our language skills. Let's study English together! In this lesson, I will help students get ready for an English activity. Then, we will do the activity together!

English for Kids
25 Min.


English for Kids
25 Min.

ネイティブの小学生が使うテキストを使用しておうちでLanguage ArtsとReadingの授業が受けられます。

English for Kids
25 Min.

This is an orientation session for first-time students. Let's check your English level, talk about your goals and decide which of my lessons is a good fit for you!

English for Kids
20 Min.

For age under 5, Primary School, Junior High, High School, University

English for Kids
25 Min.
Hat Schnupperkurs
25 Minuten   1,000P

Paket mit 4 Kursen English For Kids

This lesson is for kids from 12 months to 11 years

English for Kids
35 Min.  X 4
1,300P (325 Punkte pro Kurs)

I can help you with multiplication!

English for Kids
25 Min.  X 3
2,500P (833 Punkte pro Kurs)
Hat Schnupperkurs
10 Minuten   1,000P

An enjoyable English lesson for young people of early elementary school age. Help your child learn to speak fluent English while having fun doing so! (limited prior exposure to English is required)

English for Kids
20 Min.

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