If you feel lonely living by yourself and seeking somebody who will listen to you or if you are seeking advice on some matters which you would not talk to your friends I will listen to you with compassionate. We can talk about anything.
スペインへ旅行へいらっしゃる予定の方、または計画中の方へ。 現地在住旅行アドバイザーが、効率的な周り方、ホテルの予約方法、バス・電車の予約方法...などを伝授します(*^ω^*)
★This is not a Japanese lesson ★ 誰かと話したい、話を聞いてほしい、愚痴、不満、悩み、、、など、なんでもお話伺います!お気軽にどうぞ。
Discuss your situation and feelings in confidence and you can choose to remain anonymous while We talk.
Chat privately about your problems, no need to speak or be on Camera.
Necessary advice to broaden your horizons and explore the other side at ease.
Confidential conversation to help you overcome any negative impacts on your life.
Confidential conversation to help you overcome any negative impacts on your life.
お子さんの発達や言葉の事、お子さんとの関り方、学校の先生との付き合い方などでお悩みの方のお話をお聞きします。 日本にいた頃は療育や学校関係で働いていました。 海外生活での不安やストレスをお聞きします。 またフランスでの生活の様子などのご質問にも分かる範囲でお応えできます。
Come talk with someone about things that are on your mind. Maybe it could help you come to a solution.
Overcome daily anxieties and pressures by building mental resilience through EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
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Izumi W
Massimo Pantaleo
Adeline S
Marine Ikehata