0 ~ 1,000 ポイント
15 ~ 70 分
お探しのレッスンや |
初心者におすすめ、楽しい、しっかり勉強向き、教材が充実、レッスン後のフォローが充実、話しやすい、対応が丁寧、熱意がある |
受講される方について |
女性、高校生、発音は気になる方だ、강사의 성격이 매우 중요함、楽しいのが一番、自分のペースで学習したい、短期集中が一番効率がよいと思う |
レッスン希望時間 |
0 ~ 1,800 ポイント
20 ~ 50 分
お探しのレッスンや |
プロ意識が高い、話しやすい、対応が丁寧、熱意がある |
受講される方について |
女性、社会人、강사의 성격이 매우 중요함、自分のペースで学習したい |
レッスン希望時間 |
500 ~ 2,000 ポイント
30 ~ 90 分
I'm looking to enhance my English speaking skills and prepare for job interviews by engaging in regular conversations on international issues, cultural topics, and business situations.
Although I scored 6.5 on the IELTS exam a few years ago, I feel like I'm losing my speaking skills now.
I work from Monday to Friday, so I'd prefer to schedule our conversations on weekends.
お探しのレッスンや |
中級以上におすすめ、プロ意識が高い、しっかり勉強向き、内容が充実、レッスン後のフォローが充実、話しやすい、対応が丁寧、英語で説明 |
200 ~ 2,000 ポイント
30 ~ 90 分
I have passed the JLPT N1 and am familiar with Japanese culture, but I want to improve my Japanese speaking skills.
I have never used Japanese in my professional position and would like to build a regular conversation environment for myself regarding international issues, cultural topics, and business situations.
I work Monday to Friday and prefer to have talks on weekends.
お探しのレッスンや |
中級以上におすすめ、プロ意識が高い、しっかり勉強向き、内容が充実、レッスン後のフォローが充実、話しやすい、対応が丁寧、日本語で説明、英語で説明 |
500 ~ 2,000 ポイント
30 ~ 90 分
I have passed the JLPT N1 and am familiar with Japanese culture, but I want to improve my Japanese speaking skills.
I have never used Japanese in my professional position and would like to build a regular conversation environment for myself regarding international issues, cultural topics, and business situations.
I work Monday to Friday and prefer to have talks on weekends.
お探しのレッスンや |
中級以上におすすめ、プロ意識が高い、しっかり勉強向き、内容が充実、レッスン後のフォローが充実、話しやすい、対応が丁寧、日本語で説明、英語で説明 |
レッスン希望時間 |
2,000 ~ 8,000 ポイント
25 ~ 70 分
お探しのレッスンや |
初心者におすすめ、楽しい、しっかり勉強向き、内容が充実、優しい、対応が丁寧、レベルに合わせてくれる、日本語で説明 |
0 ~ 2,000 ポイント
35 ~ 90 分
Seeking English Teacher Experienced in LinkedIn Optimization
Are you an English teacher familiar with LinkedIn? I'm looking for someone to help enhance my LinkedIn profile. While I have a page set up, it hasn't been very effective. I'm keen to work with a teacher who excels in this area to improve its impact and highlight my strengths.
I'm looking to transition careers and want to redesign my profile to attract potential employers effectively. If you have experience with LinkedIn operations and personal branding and are willing to assist, please get in touch.
Thank you!
お探しのレッスンや |
プロ意識が高い、楽しい、内容が充実 |
レッスン希望時間 |
0 ~ 2,500 ポイント
50 ~ 90 分
Seeking English Teacher Experienced in LinkedIn Optimization
Are you an English teacher familiar with LinkedIn? I'm looking for someone to help enhance my LinkedIn profile. While I have a page set up, it hasn't been very effective. I'm keen to work with a teacher who excels in this area to improve its impact and highlight my strengths.
I'm looking to transition careers and want to redesign my profile to attract potential employers effectively. If you have experience with LinkedIn operations and personal branding and are willing to assist, please get in touch.
Thank you!
お探しのレッスンや |
プロ意識が高い、楽しい、内容が充実 |
レッスン希望時間 |
0 ~ 2,500 ポイント
45 ~ 75 分
Seeking English Teacher Experienced in LinkedIn Optimization
Are you an English teacher familiar with LinkedIn? I'm looking for someone to help enhance my LinkedIn profile. While I have a page set up, it hasn't been very effective. I'm keen to work with a teacher who excels in this area to improve its impact and highlight my strengths.
I'm looking to transition careers and want to redesign my profile to attract potential employers effectively. If you have experience with LinkedIn operations and personal branding and are willing to assist, please get in touch.
お探しのレッスンや |
プロ意識が高い、楽しい、内容が充実 |
レッスン希望時間 |
0 ~ 2,500 ポイント
25 ~ 90 分
Seeking English Teacher Experienced in LinkedIn Optimization
Are you an English teacher familiar with LinkedIn? I'm looking for someone to help enhance my LinkedIn profile. While I have a page set up, it hasn't been very effective. I'm keen to work with a teacher who excels in this area to improve its impact and highlight my strengths.
I'm looking to transition careers and want to redesign my profile to attract potential employers effectively. If you have experience with LinkedIn operations and personal branding and are willing to assist, please get in touch.
お探しのレッスンや |
プロ意識が高い、楽しい、内容が充実 |
レッスン希望時間 |