General Notices from Tutor Suja

New Student coupons end February 3rd

Среда, 24 Январь 2024 r. 10:33

New Student coupons end soon.

If you are a new student this month, you may wish to consider using the following coupons 

Coupon Name: January New Student Coupon for English Classes
(New Students Only)
Code: 3fc179ea
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 7, 2024 ~ Feb 3, 2024
(GMT+11:00 DST Melbourne)

Coupon Name: Consult Session for New Students on English Learning
(New Students Only)
Code: 9899ed02
Discount Rate: 30%
For Lesson: Consult Sessions for English Study
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 9, 2024 ~ Feb 1, 2024
(GMT+11:00 DST Melbourne)

Coupon Name: Understanding IELTS Assessment Criteria for New Students
(New Students Only)
Code: 9d257520
Discount Rate: 25%
For Lesson: Understanding IELTS Assessment Criteria and Planning Your IELTS Practice
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 9, 2024 ~ Feb 1, 2024
(GMT+11:00 DST Melbourne)

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