Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Dean William Tutor Interview
The English language does not have to be a difficult language at all. If students were to stop thinking so deeply about English, and just speak it in a conversational way, mistakes or no mistakes, they will soon all become better English speakers.Featured Lessons
55min 3,000
50min 3,000
50min 2,500
Erichan Tutor Interview
I will always make suggestions about additional tools that you can use to improve your level. This might be providing you the link to download the written transcripts of your favorite TV drama, informing you about news programs like CNN Student News or encouraging you to use the podcast on NPR (National Public Radio) and Voice of America.Featured Lessons
25min 1,100
25min 1,000
30min 1,500
ピアノの先生・作曲家として活動する傍ら、オンラインでもピアノ・英語・ドイツ語を教えている多才なorie講師のインタビューページです。アメリカへの留学経験も有り。ドイツでの生活や音楽家としての活動、外国語習得の秘訣などを取材しました!Featured Lessons
40min 11,000
70min 18,000
40min 11,000
Cafetalkの生徒の皆様こんにちは!生粋の日本人で北海道育ちのTokoと申します。阪には1年と少し住んだ事があります。それ以外には、カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州とアルバータ州に住んでもう少しで15年になります。Featured Lessons
25min 1,000
25min 1,000
25min 1,100
最初はとりあえず暗記です。テキストを丸暗記しました。単語を覚えないと何もなりませんね。でも日本に行ったときは日本語力が足りなかったんですよね。でも怖がることなく一応喋ってみました。相手が聞き取れない時もありますし、理解できない時もありますけど喋ってみることが大事です。それと大事なことはマネすることですね。ネイティブの発音とインタネーションはもちろん、リアクションなども真似しましたFeatured Lessons
30min 1,200
30min 1,800
15min 0
Mindy Tutor Interview
I became interested in acting when I was around 9 or 10 and I did school plays throughout high school. So, it felt pretty natural for me to decide to major in Theatre Performance in college. After that, I took a break from acting to teach English in Japan, because I wanted to make money and travel around the world, but I even did a little acting in Nagoya. I played Ophelia in “Hamlet” for an English speaking theatre company called “Nameless Theatre”.Featured Lessons
50min 2,700
15min 11,000
25min 1,800
Nika Tutor Interview
I have been tutoring both Russian and English since I was 16 years old. I have always loved communicating with foreigners, and talking with them made me think that one day I would want to make interesting lessons for foreigners where they could learn how to have a natural conversation.Featured Lessons
60min 1,600
25min 800
60min 1,400
Frédérique Tutor Interview
After completing my degree, I decided to go to England to work and study more English. I started like many other French people I know working in hotels and restaurants. I completed and passed all the Cambridge examinations. A teacher of mine encouraged me to apply for a teacher training course and this was the best ever piece of advice I had! -
LA育ちの日系アメリカ人英語講師Kate Nにインタビューしました!
英語も日本語もネイティブ!カフェトークで英語を教えるKate N講師のインタビューページです。子どもをマルチリンガルに育てた経験を活かし、子育て相談も受付中。レッスンの特徴や子どもへの英語教育のアドバイスなどをご紹介!Featured Lessons
25min 1,700
25min 1,700
50min 2,700
Steven_R Tutor Interview
I first lived in Japan in 1999 as an exchange student, studying Japanese at Kansai Gaidai University in Hirakata City, Osaka for 6 months. I also stayed with a Japanese host family during that time. After that, I was an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) for 2 years at two senior high schools in Hirakata City and Suita City, both in Osaka Prefecture. However, my most recent time in Japan was spent as an English instructor for Shane English Schools in the Saitama and Tokyo areas. I lived in Saitama for about 5 years.Featured Lessons
40min 1,500
40min 1,500
60min 2,500