JLPT Grammar Seminar 
				JLPT Grammar Seminar

In our upcoming seminar series that is scheduled on June 12th and 14th, Cafetalk’s Japanese language tutor Seikot will hold two separate seminars for JLPT level N2~N1.
The tutor will explain the most important grammar points that are often mistaken and frequently appear in the tests.

The seminars will be live-streamed, so you can watch them from the comfort of your home. Viewing is free, and comments & questions are welcome! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و

*Please note that the seminars for all levels will be held in Japanese only.

Book the seminar now! ↓

JLPT Grammar Seminar

Seminar details
Topic: Learn about grammar and idioms you should know 2 weeks prior to the exam. Those who do not plan to take the exam but would like to study grammar are also welcome to join!
45 mins: Reviewing and explaning important grammar and idioms that are often mistaken / frequently used in the JLPT
5 mins: lesson introduction / Q&A
Sold separately, 500 points
Seminar conducted in:

Book seminars

All times shown in Japanese time.
Please check the purchase page to confirm the seminar time in your timezone.



JLPT Grammar Seminar 【N2】

6月 12日(Lun) 21時30分~22時20分

Duration: 50 minutes

Price: Free

Recording: 500 Points



JLPT Grammar Seminar 【N1】

6月 14日(Mer) 21時30分~22時20分

Duration: 50 minutes

Price: Free

Recording: 500 Points
