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Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
パレルモの守護聖人・聖ロザーリアのお祭りをたまたま見ることができました! ショッピングストリートのマクエダ通りもルミナリエ風にライトアップ。 パレルモ大聖堂とマクエダ通りが交差する広場Quatt...
Published 3 Sep, 2023 | View: 1766
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シチリア旅行中にパレルモマッシモ劇場のガイドツアーに参加しました。マッシモ=最大と名前につくだけあり、客席数3200席でイタリアで最も大きく、世界で3番目の規模の歌劇場です。 正面大階段を上ったエン...

Hi, I'm Sandro, opera director who lives in Milan.For the lesson you choose which opera to study, which aria or recitative and then we study it together on the libretto or the score for voice and piano. The lesson is suitable for opera singers who want to deepen Italian opera, for opera singers at the beginning of the study of the repertoire, for those who study chamber opera, for those who plan to study in Italy and those who have returned from their studies in Italia want to maintain and expand their knowledge of the language and the opera. At this moment I am already teaching the text and the interpretation of the text of the opera.

Self introduction 

After graduating from the University of Milan, I worked as an Italian teacher in Germany.

Later, while I was working as an opera director at theaters and festivals not only in Italy but also in various parts of Europe, I was a teacher of theatrical expression at the National Conservatory of Piacenza and a part-time teacher at Showa University of Music (Tokyo) Japan, as conductor in opera training. 

I was also invited to lecture as director at Kunitachi College of Music. (Tokyo) Japan 

Currently, to keep traditional opera culture alive all over the world, I have formed a musical association, designing and managing operas, concerts, school performances and hosting seminars by famous singers. 

[About the lessons]

The lesson will include the reading of the text of the opera or aria of your choice, the correction of the Italian pronunciation, the explanation of the meaning of the words and the scene / opera as a whole and the interpretation 

Those who took diction lessons said: "By understanding the text well, it became fun to assimilate the role and, while interpreting, to express the aria of the opera." 

Now that studying abroad is difficult, why not take a practical lesson in diction and interpretation of the opera, which can only be studied with an Italian director?

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  • Meno di 24ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ il 50% del costo viene addebitato.
  • No-Show→ il 100% del costo viene addebitato.

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