Hello everyone, my name is Aoife (あおい).
I currently reside in Tokyo, Japan.
I have a Japanese Language Teaching Certificate.
I’m currently working at a Japanese language school, teaching Japanese to international students.
I teach students who want to take the EJU and JLPT, as well as students who want to go onto universities and vocational schools.
I can teach from N5 to N1 level (beginner to advanced level).
★I want to have fun talking.
★I want to practice particles.
★I want to learn N3, N2, and N1.
★I want to study grammar.
Please tell me what you would like to learn.
Let’s have fun studying together by doing what you wish to do.
I studied abroad in Ireland a few years ago.
I wanted to help people learn more about Japan, so I studied to became a certified Japanese teacher.
Teaching Japanese to international students is a great way to learn about other cultures, and I really enjoy it.
I hope everyone will enjoy studying Japanese and expanding their knowledge.
I can offer customized lessons, so if you don’t see any lesson that suit your needs, please feel free to send me a message.
I love watching movies. I watch on average 5 to 10 movies a month. I especially love to watch horror movies and TV dramas.
I also love anime, manga, and games.
If there are any students out there who enjoys them as well, let’s talk about them.
みなさん こんにちは。Aoife(あおい)です。
とうきょうに すんでいます。にほんごを おしえる しかくを もっています。にほんごがっこうで、にほんごをおしえています。EJUや JLPT、だいがくや せんもんがっこうへ いきたい がくせいをおしえています。N5~N1まで おしえることができます。★たのしく はなしたい★じょしの れんしゅうが したい★N3、N2がほしい★ぶんぽうを べんきょうしたい。なんでも したいことを いってください。みなさんがしたいことを一緒に楽しく勉強しましょう。アイルンランドに りゅうがく した ことがあります。そのとき、にほんの ことを もっと みなさんに しって もらいたいと おもいました。がいこくの ぶんかを しることが とても たのしいです。みなさんも たのしく にほんごを べんきょうして たくさんの ことを しって もらいたいです。しゅみえいがが すきです。つきに 5~10ぽん 見ます。とくに ホラーえいがと ドラマが すきです。アニメ、まんが、ゲームも すきです。みなさん いっしょに はなしましょう。
【 Cafetalk Translation / July 2021 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.