Cafetalk Premium Friday Project

December 28 is “Premium Friday Happy Hour”

This month's Premium Friday is on December 28th! This month Cafetalk offers a special Happy Hour time!

If you take any of the lessons on the campaign page between 3 PM and 9 PM Japan Time on that day you will receive back 30% of the lesson price after the lesson has been completed.
Use this chance to try out tutors you can't usually take lessons with!

Applicable Lessons for Point Rebate

Article Reading and Discussion

40 Min   1,100   Kristian Foxall
Practice your reading skills with an article provided by me or yourself! After reading, we will hav...

Café Bla-bla (free talk)

30 Min   1,000   Claire
Let's talk and practice some French together !I will send you some feedback at the end of our lesso...

Free Talk in Mandarin (*'▽')

30 Min   800   Chloe_L
Beginners are welcome! Let's just relax, sit back and talk about anything in Mandarin!

Fun Free Talk with Jini

25 Min   1,000   Jini
Let's talk about any topic!


30 Min   2,000   mom
片付け・家事は「きちんとやらなきゃ」と考えて後回しにするより、「適当でもやらないよりはまし」くらいから始めましょう! 方法や順番を見直すだけで、もっと楽に生活できます。まずは現状~お悩みをおうかがい...


30 Min   5,000   reika

Accent Reduction Lesson

50 Min   2,400   Saya I
レッスンにご興味をお持ちいただきありがとうございます^^ このレッスンについて 外国語に挑戦するとき、ほとんどの人は、まずは簡単な会話ができるようになりたいと思いますよね。そのときに必要不可欠...

Free Conversation & Discussion (50min)

50 Min   2,500   Ben_N
フリートーク、ディスカッションを通して一緒に英会話を楽しみませんか?   フリートークレッスンでは、2つのレッスン方法があります。1)生徒さまの希望によって、自由に話をする従来の『カフェレッスン』 ...

Learn intermediate level of German in Japanese!

60 Min   3,000   Dennis J

Travel English 50min

50 Min   2,500   Mona.T (inactive)
旅行・観光に特化した旅行英会話レッスン♪ ☆空港でのやり取り☆レンタカーの手配の仕方☆現地でのお買い物 (試着・返品・日本までの配送をお願いするときのフレーズを英語で言えるようになりましょう♪)☆...

Cafetalk x Premium Friday Happy Hour

  • ・Lessons taken on December 28th 2018 between 3 PM and 9 PM (Japan Time) are applicable for the point rebate.
  • ・You can receive only one pointback per tutor. Please combine your requests with other tutors.
  • ・The pointback will not change the expiry date of your points.
  • ・Die campaign period is during Japan Time (UTC+9). Please take note of this when you live outside of Japan.
  • ・Lessons booked on December 28 before this announcement are excluded from the pointback.
  • ・The pointback will occur within three days of Premium Friday as long as the completed status of the lesson can be confirmed. Students are able to complete requests from their end, so please complete the lesson once it has finished.
  • ・If a coupon is used for the lesson the point rebate will be applied for the reduced price.
  • ・If a lesson cancellation is caused by the student, the resulting cancellation fee is not valid for the pointback campaign.

About Cafetalk Premium Friday Project

If you get to go home a little bit early on the last Friday of the month, why not connect with the world through Cafetalk lessons?

Try out all those tutors and lessons you wanted to but never could☆We are looking forward to your bookings♪

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