모집 마감
모니터에 당선되시면 스카이프를 사용한 인기 온라인 IT 컴퓨터 레슨을 무료로 2회 체험 하실 수 있습니다.
그리고! 레슨 수강후 리뷰를 작성해 주시면 레슨 1회를 선물로 드립니다!
feedback IT 컴퓨터
Singh is a professional programmer and be able to apply his skills to a beginner tutoring matching appropriately to the level of support. In this short-time lesson I was shared with a lot of hints and helps. I really thank him and also appreciate for some additional resources for further learning which would cost a lot if buying in a shop. Very kind!!
Hi Erichan, it was sooo nice to meet you. I enjoyed our talk and got really many great information regarding to crypto currency!! Thanks so much for today’s lesson!
Hi Victor, thank you for the lesson!
I almost forgot how fun it is to have AutoCAD lesson with you. I'm so glad to be back on track! It was a shame to have to end the lesson early though, due to my meeting.
Yes, I shall attempt to draw your drawings over the weekend.
Thank you for being so supportive and attentive as always!
온라인 IT 컴퓨터 강사
모집 기간 2019년 7월 9일 ~ 7월 15일
- IT 컴퓨터 에 관심이 있지만 레슨을 수강하지 않은 수강생
- 레슨을 수강한 경험이 있지만 지속적으로 수강하지 않은 학생
- Other
모집인수: 최대 10명
모니터 수강 순서
- 2회레슨을 수강하신 후 레슨의 대한 리뷰를 작성 해주시면 레슨 1회를 선물로 드립니다!
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모집 마감
Thank you for teaching me kindly even if I am not good at English.