집에서 무료로 <개인> 중국어 레슨 보는건 어떨까요?
모집 마감
모니터에 당선되시면 스카이프를 사용한 인기 온라인 중국어 레슨을 무료로 2회 체험 하실 수 있습니다. 그리고! 레슨 수강후 리뷰를 작성해 주시면 레슨 1회를 선물로 드립니다!
Chinese Lessons' Feedback
Since the first day, I started a lesson with Acky Laoshi way back in 2017, my interest in learning Chinese has always been enthusiastic. I am now moving to China for my new job and my learning experience with her Chinese lessons are by far the most practical and meaningful ones for me. She inspires me a lot in class that I've never once felt giving up although learning Mandarin is really difficult. Her review materials and the audio files are well organized and it's way convenient for me to compile them and revise them whenever I get some time. Allow me to thank you from the bottom of my heart Acky Laoshi!! I'm excited to tell you in class about my new environment and experiences in China soon. I look forward to learning more from your class soon. Wo ai ni! ~Jaja :))))
온라인 중국어 강사
모집 기간 2020년 8월 27일 ~ 9월 2일
- 중국어 학습에 흥미가 있으며, 학습의욕이 높으신 분
- Other
모집인수: 최대 10명
모니터 수강 순서
- 2회레슨을 수강하신 후 레슨의 대한 리뷰를 작성 해주시면 레슨 1회를 선물로 드립니다!
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응모폼에서, 아래 내용을 입력하신 후, 응모해주십시오.
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- 생년월일
- 자기PR
모집 마감
My first lesson with Cinzer Lee was really enjoyable. She adapted the lesson to suit my level and was very patient encouraging throughout. Cinzer prepared a lot of great materials for us to work with during our lesson. Cinzer is also an ideal tutor for English speaking users as she can provide explanations in both Chinese and English.