If you want to take the Japanese nursery teacher certification exam, Cafetalk can help you prepare for it!

For those of you who want to become a nursery teacher in Japan, did you know that you can take practical skills preparation lessons for the nursery teacher exam at Cafetalk?

We often hear these concerns;

"I want to become a nursery teacher in Japan, but I am not confident in my practical skills for the nursery teacher exam."
"I don't know if I'm doing well when I practice playing the assigned songs by myself."
"I want a professional to watch me play and give me advice before the day of the exam."

But it is difficult to find an instructor nearby whom you can immediately rely on.

At Cafetalk, you can take practical piano lessons for the nursery teacher exam provided by qualified and experienced professional teachers, starting from one lesson, as many times as you want, and at any time you want.

How to be a Prep-K teacher in Japan

  1. 保育士とは、専門的知識及び技術をもって、児童の保育及び児童の保護者に対する保育に関する指導を行うお仕事の人のこと。
  2. 保育士資格は、指定保育士養成施設を卒業するか、保育士試験に合格すると取得できます。この資格は、保育士になるためには必須資格となります。
  3. 保育士試験の筆記試験8科目の全てに合格すると、2ヶ月ほど後に待っているのが保育実習実技試験。実技は、音楽・造形・言語の3分野の中から2分野を選んで申請します。
  4. 音楽分野を選択した場合、幼児に歌って聴かせることを想定して、課題曲の両方をピアノ、ギター、アコーディオンのいずれかで弾き歌いすることが課題。令和5年の課題曲は『幸せなら手をたたこう』(作詞:木村利人 アメリカ民謡)、『やぎさんゆうびん』(作詞:まど・みちお 作曲:團伊玖磨)でした。
  5. 筆記試験に比べ、合格率は高いと言われている実技試験ですが、課題曲をしっかり練習して自信を持って保育士試験に臨みたいですよね!


For more information about the nursery teacher exam


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What is Cafetalk?

Japan's largest online learning site Cafetalk allows students to learn online from tutors throughout Japan and around the world based on the concept of \“Let the world spice up your life".
Lessons are taken using a PC, smartphone or tablet, via Zoom or Skype. First-time users can rest assured that they will receive full support.
There are no membership fees. Please feel free to start directly by taking a lesson!







Before taking a lesson


A PC, smartphone or tablet with internet access

For smartphones and tablets, you will need to download the Zoom or Skype app and create an account in advance.

Lessons are available via Zoom or Skype!

At Japan's largest online learning site Cafetalk, more than half of the tutors offer lessons on both Zoom and Skype.

I want to try online lessons, but I don't understand how it works...
If that's you, please feel free to contact us in the chat box in the lower right corner of the site!
