Why don't you enhance your everyday life by taking online yoga lessons with Cafetalk?

QOL is an abbreviation for Quality Of Life, and is often in life. A high QOL typically indicates a mentally and physically fulfilling and satisfying lifestyle.

Cafetalk offers a variety of yoga lessons, from basic yoga for beginners, to power yoga, ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga, maternity yoga, yoga for seniors, children's yoga, and more.

Recommended lessons

Why choose Cafetalk's yoga lessons?


✔️Turn your home into a yoga studio!

No need to look for yoga lessons within a commutable distance. With Cafetalk, you don't have to commute as you can take yoga lessons from the comfort of your own home, even with an instructor who works abroad, for example.

✔️Take lessons whenever you want!

You can enjoy yoga lessons before going to work, 30 minutes before going to bed, early in the morning on the weekends, or any other time that suits you.

✔️No need to dress a certain way! Wear your usual comfortable clothes

There is no need to prepare any special yoga attire. You are welcome to join lessons in your everyday, normal attire that you feel comfortable in and is easy to move around in.

✔️Take one-on-one lessons with an instructor you feel comfortable with!

Choose your favorite instructor and continue with lesson content tailored to your individual needs and condition!

Student feedback

What is Cafetalk?

日本最大在线教学平台 Cafetalk 以「为您的日常生活增添色彩」为理念,致力打造让全世界的学员与讲师能互相学习与交流的舞台。
可在电脑、智能型手机或平板上使用 Zoom 或 Skype 聆听课程。




全天候 24 小时课程时间,想什麽时间学都行!


若您对找寻讲师与课程或平台使用上有任何问题,欢迎预约免费的谘询课程,让 Cafetalk 团队帮助您一起找到最适合的讲师课程!

Before taking a lesson



使用智慧型手机或平板时请先下载 Zoom 或 Skype APP 并注册帐号

可使用 Zoom 或 Skype 聆听课程

在日本最大线上教学平台 Cafetalk 有超过半数的讲师同时提供以 Zoom 或 Skype 授课

