2022 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)

January - June 2022 Cafetalk Special Event

Thank you for learning with us and our amazing Tutors this Spring/Summer 2022!

In many parts of the world there has been a return to a well-missed and sometimes a new kind of normal life. But the past few years definitely changed many of us, and they also changed the way in which many people view online communication and online learning. While it surely doesn't replace in-person connections, we are grateful that Cafetalk has become a way for more and more students and teachers to bridge distances, connect, study and practice together!
As we are finishing up the first half of 2022, we would like to say Thank You! from the whole Cafetalk team to all of our students and tutors! ♥

Without further ado, we are ready to open up the polls to choose the most popular lessons & tutors of the first half of 2022☆★

Vote for a favorite lesson that you’ve been taking on a regular basis, or let the world know about a new rising star you’ve discovered. Make sure to support the tutors you think deserve some recognition for all their hard work!

Voting is Closed

♬Point Present Lottery:

Out of all eager voters we will randomly draw

20 winners who will each receive a 2022 point present

to use for any lesson of their choice! So go ahead, make our servers burn, and cast your votes!

*Each vote you cast equals one entry into the draw. The more often you vote, the higher your chance to win that 2022 point present!

*The winners will each receive an extra 2022 points on top of their existing points. The presented points will have a validity of 1 month.

Voter comments will be selected at random and featured on the awards page as well as displayed on the tutor's profile.
Please let us and the world know what you think about your favorite lessons and tutors!

*Leaving a comment when casting your vote is optional but highly encouraged.

Awards will be given across all categories available on Cafetalk. You can vote for lessons of any category!You can nominate language tutors for one of the following categories:

  • ① Most Fun
  • ② Great with Kids
  • ③ Great material / Lesson plans
  • ④ Great conversationalist

On top of these categories, the Grand Prize will be given to tutors with the most votes and best comments, and the Newcomer Award will be given to several new language tutors.

For all other categories, several tutors will receive awards among the following categories:

  • ① Music
  • ② Dance & Ballet
  • ③ Yoga/Fitness/Sports
  • ④ Academic Tutors
  • ⑤ Hobby
  • ⑥ Other

In addition to the vote-based awards there will be new awards this time, which are based not on student votes but on data accumulated over the past 6 months. The new data-based award categories are:

  • ① Seminar Award
  • ② Repeater Award
  • ③ Online Standby Award and
  • ④ Tutor Column Award.

We look forward to sharing the winners in these categories with you at the end of the voting period as well!

Voting Period: 2022 年 6 月 16 日(木)~ 6 月 26 日(日)

Students' Voice

  • 韩语自由交谈

    SIZZ老師人很親切,而且中文跟日文都很好,如果有不會說或是聽不懂的地方老師都可以用中文或日文做補充解釋,初學者也不用擔心會完全無法溝通。 開始會話前老師會先提供一些對話主題讓學生選擇,對話過程中老師會記錄學生的發言,並在最後5分鐘左右把整堂課的對話內容整理在Skype聊天室,並和學生一起檢討需要改正的部分(尤其是容易混淆的發音、助詞等等),課程非常充實~!

    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日
  • 25分 韓国語会話(pdf教材(色々なテーマ))

    課堂中的氣氛很歡樂,會使用老師自製的PDF教材,在課堂中可以學到很多實用或是流行的單字跟句型。課堂中的氣氛很輕鬆愉快,老師很有耐心地讓學生在課堂中多開口說韓語。 每進行到一個段落之後,就會針對剛剛對話的內容做修正和說明,並且讓學生跟著練習。偶爾遇到韓文難以理解的地方,老師除了用日語補充之外,偶爾也會用中文說明,真的很貼心(๑´ㅂ`๑) 課後老師也會用feedback把課堂中的內容整理之後再傳送到Cafetalk~!

    LINA ssaem
    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日
  • ★バタフライ・ハグ(タッピング)と癒しの音楽 ~自分を抱きしめて自身のストレスに気づこう~


    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日
  • 【韓国語フリートーキング】20分X4回 / 300円OFF


    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日
  • 【40分コース】知りたいところ徹底解決!


    ***ymag1965 | 2022年7月5日
  • (25分)Free talk 日本語 会話(にほんご かいわ)

    すずき老師人很親切好聊,事前老師會列出一些建議的會話主題讓你選擇,當然也可以完全依照自己想說的主題進行自由會話,上課時老師會用一些問題來帶動這個會話課程,也會給予很多回饋與分享,不太需要擔心會沒東西可以聊~ 事後老師整理的feedback也很用心,像是單字的重音、節拍,以及詞彙跟文法的補充說明,很實用!

    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日
  • Custom Lesson / 長授業

    老師會根據學生程度提供相對應等級的教學,並使用「Aula Internacional 」系列教材來進行課程(老師會提供檔案)。 因為是長時間的課程,可以充分地學習~!

    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日
  • ノビノビ、伸びる韓国語『初級』

    JOYJOY老師很溫柔和善,上課時會使用自製的教材,裡面包含主題相關的單字和文法,以及大量的例句與練習題,內容很充實,老師也很有耐心地一步一步帶我學習,並且做了許多會話練習,收穫很多~!! 推薦給想從基礎開始學習韓文的學生~

    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日
  • タイ文字をマスターしましょう

    まりこ老師很友善親切,一開始先確認了我對於日語或英語輔助上課的理解能力,並簡單介紹了老師所教授的各項課程內容後,便帶我初步的學了一些簡單的泰文招呼用語以及字母規則,並一句一句練習發音,過程中老師也會適時鼓勵學生,整個上課氣氛很輕鬆~ 老師的講義很淺顯易懂,而且有附上很多可愛的插圖輔助,課後老師還有準備作業,真的很用心! 想要學習泰文的話,不妨可以試試~

    Mari S
    ***ck_lin | 2022年6月28日

Award Details

Cast your vote for a lesson you took during the first half of 2022 which you think is worthy of any or one specific award. You can also vote for lesson packs!

Winner Announcement

June 30 (Thu), 2022 (Until 5pm JST *planned)

Selection Method

The winner will be selected based on a scoring method that takes into account the number of student votes, lessons completed, and feedback received within the past 6 months. You can also nominate language tutors for an award category if you like!

Voting is Closed

Award Archives
