The ways we express ourselves, the ways we are

今週のテーマ: 自分の母語で好きなフレーズ

Elza B

As most European nations, Hungarian was also one of the many that saw the nation's renewal in its language. Therefore, from the 18th century, newer and newer grammar professors or even politicians tried to introduce new words into Hungarian. Most of them of course, needless to mention, didn't stay alive. 

Even now, in the heart of Europe, it's challenging to keep up a language which is only spoken by 10 million people. There are new influences and different kinds of effects on the language (due to the technology, industry, and other sciences that improve faster than our languages). However, it's good to see that even famous people tried to memorize a couple of words in my beautiful mother tongue as you can see in the following video:

My favourite expression is: elmosolyodik, and keserédes. These mean: "to break into a smile" and the second one is and adjective which means something that is hurtful but still beautiful. 

Now, here is a game for you: find the meaning for this Hungarian word: CITRANCS and make sure that you are looking for its English equivalent. We currently use the English word for this one :-) Let me know in comments and enjoy your 50% off class for being the first student who answered it! :-) (PS: remember to add me as your favourite teacher in order to personally send the coupon for you :-) ).

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