Lesson Milestones

Cecily G.

Dear students,

Today I reached the milestone of 200 lessons on Cafetalk! Thank you! When we reach a milestone, it gives us a chance to look back and reflect on what we've done. 

It made me think, are you keeping track of your lesson milestones? What do you do after each lesson is over? 

Maybe you'd like to (if you aren't already) keep track of your lessons in a notebook or computer file. You could write the date of each lesson and the new vocabulary or phrases you learned. Or you could write something about the experience of the lesson. It might be a good way to not only remember vocabulary but also see how many lessons you've taken and all the work you've done on your English. Then you can also celebrate your lesson milestones! 

Looking forward to our next lesson,


回应 (3)

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  • Cecily G.

    Thanks for your congratulations!

  • Christopher David

    Congratulations, Cecily!! 200 is huge! It's a testament to lots of hard work. :)

  • Runako

    Congratulations on your 200 lessons !!

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英语   母语程度
法语   没有不通顺感
日语   只能说一点
意大利语   只能说一点
德语   只能说一点
中文   只能说一点


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